Is there anything better than a pat on the back from your own mum? Here's one from my amazing mum, who manages a busy physiotherapy clinic full-time, dedicates hours of voluntary time each week to a leadership role in her church, helps with her grandchildren, runs her house and keeps extremely fit and healthy. It was thanks to my own mum that I find myself on this new path. Mum really did make the kitchen the heart of the home as we were growing up. We were the envy of many of our friends with what our lunch boxes beheld each day with ever appearing new creative cookies, muffins and slices. My brothers even became a bit entrepreneurial at times, with some kids at school prepared to offer up their own lunch money in exchange for the goodies from my brothers' lunch boxes.
Thanks for your show of support Mum!
As Eve’s Mother and being in the health and fitness sector
of professional rehabilitation and having a Diploma in the field of nutrition
it is heartening to see individuals like Eve who are cautious, thoughtful,
professional and desirous of creating a healthy environment for the general
public. It still surprises me how uninformed and uneducated many people
are about food and especially nutrition. This topic has always been one of huge
interest and I have tried to influence in my sphere as much as I can. Patients
often ask about diet even though they are consulting my husband who is a
Physical Therapist on other matters.
Eve, I absolutely support what you are doing and hope you
just go from strength to strength in your purpose to help educate people with
food and nutrition.
Practice Manager